In This Issue
• Letter from Board President Darin Anderson
• An interview with Grand Forks Mayor Michael R. Brown
• Technical status update
From the President’s Desk
NPN continues to move forward on key issues needed to break ground on the facility. While we always would
like the process to move more quickly, we are pleased with the progress to date.
One issue that has been gaining more attention recently is natural gas aring in the Bakken oil eld. The Minneapolis-
based StarTribune reported in an October article that natural gas “has been so secondary in North
Dakota that drillers still burn o more than a fourth of what rises from the ground.” According to the newspaper,
North Dakota ares about 28 percent of its natural gas. Texas ares less than 1 percent. North Dakota
Governor Jack Dalrymple has made it clear that he would like to see less aring and more valued added to the
state’s energy resources. Read more